Monday, April 27, 2009


They say we all need to go to school
So then everyone wont end up a fool

It takes twelve years to finish high school and pass
Taking classes from A to Z and in mass

Problem is what you learn you may never use
Then find out later when you get a job the boss will abuse

Algebra and Spanish is said we all need
But half the students in class are stoned on weed

Test after Test they make you take
Sadly you find out its all a fake

For the truth is that the lessons of life do not come easy in life
And through experience does it come with alot of trial and error and strife

House payments, income tax, mortgage and loans and good credit should be taught
So students can achieve in life all that their parents sought

Then students wont graduate high school after twelve years to work at a fast food place

And realize that going to school in hindsight wasnt a disgrace.

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