Wednesday, May 13, 2009

FREDA, MY MOM by MARK SHAPIRO/wizardofbaum/youtube/google

Freda was my mothers name

A person who belongs in the Hall of Fame

A giver of the truest sense to anyone

Treating each person as her son

She loved music and laugher

And would sing songs that raised the rafter

Never complaining and supportive to me

I grew up seeing the world as a good place to be

She taught me love and how to forgive

And said that was the only way to live

For in time, what may seem wicked and wrong

Will fade away and make me strong

She said seeing the light in anything

Would make me a better being

The day came when she did get sick and weak

And I saw my life become bleak

But she fought hard for life

As she always told me to do under strife

We all think our parents live forever for us

But find out reality and thus

To find that we all are really alone on this earth

Having given life by a mother at birth

The day she died, I cried

For she was the one I relied

I have never been the same since then

And always think of times back when

But have learned that she is still alive with me

For she gave me birth and knowledge for those to see

I love Freda and miss her so, and in time

We will once again be together, my love of mine

FREDA SHAPIRO on youtube

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