Monday, December 27, 2010


"Amazing" It takes my breath away! It felt like I was

walking through a "Wonderland" Didn't want it to end! It's like

having" Disneyland" in your home, the combination of fantasy and

reality blending as one. Mark, your collectibles are stupendous,

Re"Mark"able and all inspiring.You are a true" Marks"men , when it

comes to searching and finding heartfelt beauty and sensitivity in

your truly historical treasures. I am soooo impressed. I can only

say "You have a special talent,knowledge and "eye" for

gathering,organizing,displaying and seeking to find the most

charismatic objects that depict some of the most poignant times in our

history.You have surrounded yourself with a wealth of knowlege that

"ALL SHOULD SEE". You have a passionate gift. Any person who would

travel through your musuem would undoubtedly "Embrace" it's charm in

complete "AWE" and not be able to forget the experience they ventured

thru. You" must" design a book of somesort ,so all can see what you

possess.and how meticulously it is categorized . You should feel very

proud of yourself!!!! It is a significant work of art-in constant

creation. Quite an accomplishment and offers such an education- that

"ALL SHOULD SEE" I want everything!!!! Once one views all your

photographs,you can't get them out of your mind. Brilliant!!!!-Thank-

you for sharing it with me.



Mark, "The Wizard ofOZ" being the beginning of your captured interest, in collecting, is a significant point !!!! What the" Wizard of Oz " represents. In our generation and many that followed, we  gathered with our families or friends as a ritual,every year,waiting to sit and watch this wonderful film on the TV. The books,along with the film represent" Love, Hope,Family, Friendship , Inspiration,Appreciation, Character,Trust and Determination" The Essence of what life is "ALL ABOUT"

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