Friday, July 4, 2008

L. Frank Baum Copyright Notice Envelope

It was author L. Frank Baum's intent to write a truly modern fairy tale, written solely to delight children of his day. He fully succeeded in creating a story in which "the wonderment and joy are retained and the heart-aches and nightmares are left out."
The copyright registration for the book on which the exhibition is based, The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, has become one of the most successful and famous ever issued by the Library's Copyright Office. Since its publication in September 1900, the book has outsold all other children's books in numerous editions. It has also engendered a long series of sequels, stage plays, musicals, motion pictures, television shows, biographies of Baum, scholarly studies of the significance of the book and film, advertisements, toys, games and all sorts of Oz-related products. The Oz characters are familiar to almost everyone, and the characters and the wondrous land through which they travel are no less real for being imaginary

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