American Pit Bull: In this documentary from Academy Award-nominated filmmakers Marilyn and Chuck Braverman, the remarkable yet tragic history of the American Staffordshire Terrier - aka the Pit Bull Terrier - is explored from the era when it was considered the "All American Dog" to it's later reputation as a vicious attack dog frequently used by drug
dealers. While it may be hard for some to believe, there was a time when the Pit Bull Terrier was considered a loyal and loving companion for humans. Thomas Jefferson owned a pair, Helen Keller relied on one for assistance, and even the Little Rascals frolicked carefree with their skittish Pit Bull Petey. Sadly, Pit Bull would gradually evolve from the working dog of the upper class to become the bloodthirsty bodyguard of choice for inner city drug dealers. In this documentary filmmakers explore the entire spectrum of roles that the Pit Bull has played in American society while asking whether the breed is a dependable family pet or an unpredictable killing machine.