Thursday, July 7, 2011



bring your entire family to what will be saving george reeves spirit and thats why you connected to me and thought of me,,to keep a angel alive,,george was an angel for an angel is real for a angel is a messenger to humans to prosper and to love one another and enjoy the true fruits of being human,,,the spirit inside that has been transferreed from the oceans of the earth to the first time man stood upright,,130,000 years ago,,not that long in the world of space for that is where we came from ,,,the meteor that landed that destroyed earth paved the way for man through life brought via the meteor which was intentionally supposed to land here to bring life from space to a new planet,,thus when the meteor landed and killed alll the repitialian chain of command, of which we, from space, wouldnt stand a chance ,,so therefore we came from space in size of what a sperm is,,thus enabling life to hibernate until the seas and volcanic action below the oceans changed the land mass again becoming land which in turn created links..

first man who walked up right,, bear in mind,.,man also was in the ocean as I say

for humans argument to try and identify themselves with some image they have,,,humans have found bones tracing back to 130,000 years ago and even found one back to 2.3 million thus saying to all the scientific community, with people digging and scientisista all over the world trading information trying to figure out where we came from...spending 130,000 years wondering..

the answer is,,,,,


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