Thursday, November 15, 2012

what your eyes say about you

What is Iridology ?
Iridology is the inspection of the iris of the eye as an aid in determining a persons state of health.
The iris contains many nerve endings which are connected to the optic nerve, the base of the brain, and all of the bodily tissues. Hence, the neural circuitry of the eye are able to express the continuity of the body, an integrated unit composed of various cells which all communicate with each iris about their overall wellness. A weakness in body's tissues or organs often show up in the eye before they show up in medical tests! Iridologist will conduct a non-invasive analysis of the iris of each eye and provide an accurate assessment of your relative state of health as well as recommendations based on the findings.
 Using Iridology to improve your health
Iridology is the practice of examining the iris of the eye for markings and discolorations in order to determine possible health problems they might indicate. Different sectors of the iris correspond to different areas of the body. Different markings indicate possible vulnerabilities in those areas. Iridology isn't used to diagnose specific diseases or conditions. Rather, it's used to indicate potential problems in all areas of the body, including the heart, lungs, spleen, spine and kidneys. You can use iridology to improve your overall health, however, by taking special care of those organs and systems your iridology reading deems vulnerable.
Discovering potential health risks and problems using Iridology
Iridology practitioners examine the iris to determine possible problems with the rest of the body. Iridology isn't used to diagnose any specific disease; but it can be used to discover possible vulnerabilities or weaknesses in all major organs of the body, including the heart, lungs, brain and kidneys.
Iridologists generally use equipment such as a flashlight and magnifying glass, cameras or slit-lamp microscopes to examine a patient's irises for tissue changes, as well as features such as specific pigment patterns and irregular stromal architecture. The markings and patterns are compared to an iris chart that correlates zones of the iris with parts of the body. Typical charts divide the iris into approximately 80-90 zones. For example, the zone corresponding to the kidney is in the lower part of the iris, just before 6 o'clock. There are minor variations between charts' associations between body parts and areas of the iris.
Details in the iris reflect changes in the tissues of the corresponding body organs. One well-known practitioner, Dr.Bernard Jensen, puts it this way: "Nerve fibers in the iris respond to changes in body tissues by manifesting a reflex physiology that corresponds to specific tissue changes and locations." This means that a bodily condition translates to a noticeable change in the appearance of the iris. For example, acute inflammatory, chronic inflammatory and catarrhal signs may indicate involvement, maintenance, or healing of corresponding distant tissues, respectively. Other features that iridologists look for are contraction rings and Klumpenzellen, which may indicate various other health conditions, as interpreted in context.
The first explicit description of Iridology analysis principles are found in Chiromatica Medica, a famous work published in 1665 and reprinted in 1670 and 1691 by Philippus Meyeus.
The first known use of the word Augendiagnostik 'eye diagnosis', (loosely translated as iridology analysis) began with Ignatz von Péczely, a 19th-century Hungarian physician.
The German contribution in the field of iridology and natural healing is due to a minister Pastor Felke, who developed a form of homeopathy for treating specific illnesses and described new iris signs in the early 1900s
Thee FelkeInstitute inn Gerlingen, Germany was established as a leading center of Iridology research and training.

Iridology Pioneer Dr. Bernard Jenson

Iridology became better known in North America in the 1950s, when Dr. Bernard Jensen began giving classes in his own iridology methods. This is in direct relationship with P. Johannes Thiel, Eduard Lahn and J Haskell Kritzer.  
Dr. Jensen insisted on the importance of the body's exposure to toxins and use of natural foods as detoxifiers.
Dr. Jensen touched the lives of hundreds of thousands of patients, students and practitioners around the world.
His work in Nutrition, Iridology Analysis and Health is legendary and Dr. Jensen's teachings are seriously embraced by people of all walks of life. 

This is an example of an iridology chart, correlating areas of the left iris, as seen in the mirror, with portions of the left hand side of the body. Changes in colour or appearance of the iris are said to indicate changes in the health of the corresponding section of the body.

This is the corresponding chart for the right iris, which relates to the left side of the body.
How Does the Eye Store Information?
As the eye is linked directly to the brain, nerves and all tissues in your body, it is constantly receiving and storing valuable information that could provide insights into our current state of health.
What Types of Health Issues Can the Eye Reveal?
Some more specific things the eye can tell you is if you have an allergy to dairy, low metabolism, or are under high stress. It even holds information about your genetic predispositions for cancers, heart disease and much more. Remember, Iridology can't tell you if you have a weak thyroid or a growth on your thyroid, but if you are unaware of your tendencies, Iridology can point you in the right direction by pin-pointing certain areas of the body that are having trouble! Learning more about your body is very empowering and can be lots of fun too.

How Does an Iridology Eye Chart Work?
An Iridology eye chart is set up into zones, or sections that correlate with certain areas of the body. This is similar to an acupressure chart, which you might be more familiar with. Iridologists are trained to read patterns that come in the form of dark gaps, streaks, white spots, arcs and rings in the iris. A dark gap might mean dying or scarred tissue on the part of the body its zone corresponds to. 
Iridology is a branch of alternative medicine that examines the iris for problems in different parts of the body. Changes are manifested as markings and discolorations on the iris, which could indicate problems or weaknesses in how certain parts of the body are working. Iridology isn't used to diagnose specific diseases or conditions. Rather, it's used to let the patient know if certain areas of the body might not be working properly. It can indicate problems in all organs of the body, including the heart, lungs, liver, spleen and brain

Iridology for animals
Iridology analysis can be successfully applied to dogs, cats and in fact, most living mammals.  A wonderful, non-invasive modality to help you understand how to ensure your pets achieve and maintain their health

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